Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

as we do now.
Diagram 4 shows that the group-spirit of the plant
kingdom has its lowest vehicle in the Region of Concrete
Thought. It is two steps removed from its dense vehicle and
consequently the plants have a consciousness corresponding
to that ofdreamless sleep. The group-spirit of the mineral
has it slowest vehicle in the Region of Abstract Thought and
it is, therefore, three steps removed from its dense vehicle;
hence it is in a state of deep unconsciousness similar to the
trance condition.
We have now shown that man is an individual
indwelling spirit, an Ego separate from all other entities,
directing and working in one set of vehicles fromwithin, and
that plants and animals are directed fromwithout by a
group-spirit having jurisdiction over a number of animals or
plants in our Physical World. They are separate only in
The relations of plant, animal and man to the life
currents in the Earth's atmosphere are symbolically
represented by the cross. The Mineral Kingdom is not
represented, because as we have seen, it possesses no
individual vital body, hence cannot be the vehicle for
currents belonging to the higher realms. Plato, who was an
Initiate, often gave out occult truths. He said β€œThe World-
Soul is crucified.”
The lower limb of the cross indicates the plant with its
root in the chemical mineral soil. The group-spirits of plants
are at the center of the Earth. They are (it will be
remembered) in the Region of Concrete Thought, which
interpenetrates the Earth, as do all the other Worlds. From
these group-spirits flow streams or currents in all directions
to the periphery of the Earth, passing outward through the

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