118 Density functional theory
Table 5.4.Parameters for correlation energy
Unpolarised Polarised
A 0.0311 0.01555
B −0.048 −0.0269
C 0.0020 0.0014
D −0.0116 −0.0108
γ −0.1423 −0.0843
β 1 1.0529 1.3981
β 2 0.3334 0.2611
(b) [C] A parametrised form ofεcis given by the following expressions. Forrs≥ 1
we have
εc=γ/( 1 +β 1
rs+β 2 rs)
and forrs> 1
From this, we obtain the following expressions for the correlation potential:
1 + 7 / 6 β 1 √rs+β 2 rs
1 +β 1
rs+β 2 rs
forrs≥1 and
Vc(rs)=Alnrs+B−A/ 3 +
+( 2 D−C)rs/3.
The values of the parametersA,Betc. depend on whether we are dealing with the
polarised (all spins samezcomponent) or unpolarised case. For both cases, the
values are given inTable 5.4.
Use this parametrisation in your helium density functional theory program
(unpolarised). You should find an energyE=−2.83 atomic units,to be compared
with−2.72 without this correction.
(c) [C] Use the polarised parametrisation for the hydrogen program of the previous
problem. You should find an energyE=−0.478 a.u.
(d) [C] It is also possible to combine the self-energy correction with the correlation
energy. You should consult the paper by Perdew and Zunger[9], if you intend to
do this. This results in an energyE=−2.918 a.u., which is only 0.015 a.u. off the
experimental value.
5.4 In this problem, we consider a generalisation of Koopman’s theorem (see
Section 4.5.3) to the density functional formalism. To this end, we consider the
spectrum{εi}and the corresponding eigenstates of the Kohn–Sham Hamiltonian.
We consider the chemical potential, which is found by removing a small amount of