160 Solving the Schrödinger equation in periodic solids
Table 6.3.Contributions to electronic energy of
hydrogen atom.
Contribution Value
Kinetic 0.159 230 87
Short range part of pseudopotential −0.021 083 18
Local pseudopotential −0.244 116 10
Exchange correlation −0.210 599 25
Hartree energy 0.024 351 53
Nonlocal pseudopotential 0.000 000 00
Local core energy 1.12582002
Self-energy 0.92508958
Electrostatic overlap 0.000 000 00
Total energy −0.557 835 94
Finally, we must include the energy contributions due to the pseudopotential.
These do not depend on the charge distribution and they contain the local and the
nonlocal terms. The local contribution is easily evaluated using
∫ ∑
Vlocal,n(r−Rn)n(r)d^3 r
Vlocal,n(K)e−iK·Rnn∗(K). (6.104)
wherenruns over the atoms in the cell. The nonlocal energy reads:
(Fjlmn )∗hnlmFnjlm (6.105)
wherel,mεndenotes the orbital with quantum numbersl,mbelonging to atom
numbern, and
Fjlmn =
e−iK·Rnc∗j(K)Ylm(Kˆ)plm(K). (6.106)
Now that you have everything in place, you can calculate the electronic energy
of the hydrogen atom. It is built up from the contributions shown inTable 6.3.
6.8 Extracting information from band structures
Apart from ground state energies, from which cohesion energies and lattice spacings
can be determined, and those energy levels that can be measured directly using
spectroscopy experiments, it is useful to determine the density of states,n(E),
which can also be determined experimentally. This is defined as the number of levels