Exercises 27
2.1 [C] Try using the Runge–Kutta method with an adaptive time step to integrate the
radial Schrödinger equation in the program ofSection 2.2, keeping the estimated
error fixed as described inAppendixA 7. 1 .What is the advantage of this method over
Numerov’s method for this particular case?
2.2 [C] Consider two radial potentialsV 1 andV 2 and the solutionsu(l^1 )andu(l^2 )to the
radial Schrödinger equation for these two potentials (at the same energy):
2 m
E−V 1 (r)−
^2 l(l+ 1 )
2 mr^2
u(l^1 )(r)= 0
2 m
E−V 2 (r)−
^2 l(l+ 1 )
2 mr^2
u(l^2 )(r)=0.
(a) Show that by multiplying the first equation from the left byu(l^2 )(r)and the second
one from the left byu(l^1 )(r)and then subtracting, it follows that:
dru(l^2 )(r)[V 1 (r)−V 2 (r)]u(l^1 )(r)=
2 m
u(l^2 )(L)
∂u(l^1 )(L)
−u(l^1 )(L)
∂u(l^2 )(L)
(b) IfVi→0 for larger, then both solutions are given for largerby
sin[kr−(lπ/ 2 )+δ(li)]/k. Show that from this it follows that:
dru(l^2 )(r)[V 1 (r)−V 2 (r)]u(l^1 )(r)=
2 mk
sin(δl(^2 )−δl(^1 )).
Now takeV 1 ≡0 andV 2 ≡Vsmall everywhere. In that case,u(l^1 )andu(l^2 )on the left
hand side can both be approximated byrjl(kr), so that we obtain:
2 mk
drr^2 j^2 l(kr)V(r).
This is theBorn approximationfor the phase shift. This approximation works well for
potentials that are small with respect to the energy.
(c) [C] Write a (very simple) routine for calculating this integral (or use a library
routine). Of course, it is sufficient to carry out the integration up tormaxsince
beyond that rangeV≡0. Compare the Born approximation with the solution of
the program developed in the previous problem. For the potential, take a weak
Gaussian well:
V(r)=−Aexp[−(r− 1 )^2 ], x<rmax
V(r)=0, x≥rmax.
withA=0.01 andrmaxchosen suitably. Result?
(d) Now consider the analysis of items (a) and (b) whereV 1 is the Lennard–Jones
potential without cut-off andV 2 with cut-off. Show that the phase shift for the