Advanced Mathematics and Numerical Modeling of IoT

(lily) #1

6. Conclusion

In this paper, we propose a secure group key management
management requires only one data communication and one
modular exponentiation at each member for any membership
event. It shows prominent efficiency in renewing the group
keys against dynamic group membership change, member
join/leave and group merging/partition. We proved group
key secrecy, backward/forward secrecy, key independence,
and key authentication. No outsiders can learn the group key
under the DDH assumption. We conclude that CODH can be
adapted efficiently for multicast security in mobile networks.


n: Number of protocol participants
푀푖: 푖th group member,푖∈[1,푛]
푝: Prime of the form2푞 + 1for a prime푞
푔: Generator inZ∗푝
푥푖: Lock-secret; random number picked by
푀푖such that1<푥푖<푝−1and
푦푖: Unlock-secret for푀푖such that
푥푖∗푦푖≡1mod(푝 − 1)
푘: Master-secret randomly selected inZ∗푞,
퐶푛:Currentgroupof푛members; #(퐶) = 푛
퐶; 푋퐿퐶={푋 1 ,푋 2 ,...,푋푛}\푋푠
푋퐿푘퐶: Key-locks for group
퐶; 푋퐿푘퐶={푋푘 1 ,푋푘 2 ,...,푋푘푛}\푋푘푠
푀푖→푀푗:m: Unicast message(m)from푀푖to푀푗
푀푖⇒퐶푛:m: Broadcast message(m)from푀푖to푛
members of퐶.

Conflict of Interests

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests
regarding the publication of this paper.


The authors appreciate anonymous reviewers for their helpful
comments. This research was supported by Basic Science
Research Program through the National Research Founda-
tion of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education,
Science and Technology (2011-0011289).


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