Ty p e (2006/11/1)Before
Rental cars
335 × 170mm
335 × 170mm
440 × 220mm 440 × 220mm
440 × 220mm 440 × 220mm
335 × 170mm
335 × 170mm
335 × 155mm
335 × 155mm
520 × 110mm
520 × 110mm
520 × 110mm
Figure 1: Different types and sizes of Korean LPs.
thresholding to obtain maximum edge information from
those images. The detection results obtained in this stage are
remarkable for poor quality images. After finishing the two-
stage cascade AdaBoost, we find that the average LPD rate is
98.38% with a computational time of 49 ms.
This paper is organized as follows. Background and
challenges are illustrated inSection 2,andourproposedLPD
method is described inSection 3. The experimental results in
Section 4showthattheproposedmethodisabletoensure
fast LPD as well as achieve sufficient accuracy. Finally, the
conclusion is summarized inSection 5.
2. Background and Challenges
To properly work with LPR systems, we must manage a large
variety of LPs, especially in South Korea. Each province in
Korea has its own LP color, pattern, and formats of numbers
and other characters. Different colors represent different
types of vehicles. Moreover, there are three different sizes of
LPs available in Korea, such as large (520 mm×110 mm),
medium (440 mm×200 mm), and small (335 mm×170 mm
or 155 mm).Figure 1showsthedifferenttypesandsizesofLPs
available before and after November 01, 2006, in Korea.
3. Proposed System
Our proposed LPD system consists of two parts; the first part
uses cascade AdaBoost and the second part uses adaptive
thresholding. (SeeFigure 2for the system architecture of our
proposed system.)
3.1. Using Cascade AdaBoost.Using cascade AdaBoost for
LPD systems consists of two phases, offline training and
online detection, as shown inFigure 3.
3.1.1. Offline Training Phase.At the core of the offline training
phase are the training and combination of strong classifiers.
First, a series of weak classifiers (critical features) with their
weights are extracted after being trained by a large number
of positive and negative examples. Then, strong classifiers are
selected from the weak classifiers according to their weights.
Figure 4shows how the algorithm is structured. The strong
Input images from database
detected license
plate images
detected license
plate images
Using cascade AdaBoost
Training phase
Detection phase
Input images from unsuccessful images
Using adaptive thresholding
Training phase
Detection phase
Stage 1
Stage 2
Figure 2: System architecture of the proposed LPD system using
cascade AdaBoost.
Ye s
License plate
(positive samples)
(negative samples)
Normalized with
boundary padding
Image preprocessing
AdaBoost algorithm
for training LP
Create a detector cascade structure
Input test image or frame
Image resized
Image preprocessing
AdaBoost algorithm
for detecting LP
Detection results
Save license plate for
character recognition
Training phase
Detection phase
Figure 3: Framework of the proposed LPD system using cascade
Weight 1Feature 1
Weight 2
Detector cascade structure
Weight 1
Weight 2
We i g h t n We i g h t n
Normalized with
boundary padding
Feature 2
Feature 1
Feature 2
Featuren Featuren
Strong classifier 1 Strong classifier n
Figure 4: Structure for the offline training phase.
classifiers are then constructed in a detector cascade structure
for the online recognizing module.
(1) The Training Databases. For offline training, positive
sample images and negative sample images are required. The
positive sample images are LP images only; the negative
sample images are background images without an LP image.
(a) The Positive Samples. The Korean LP is made of
three different sizes, large (520 mm×110 mm), medium