ACSM Health & Fitness Summit

(Kiana) #1


D. The process of habit change is well established, but that still doesn’t
mean it’s easy. Real effort and determination are required. You must
make a conscious decision to change. However, with time and effort,
almost any habit can be reshaped.
E. Committing to change as part of a group is powerful and increases the
odds of success. (Think AA).
F. Psychologists use habit reversal training: 1) develop an awareness of
the bad habit, 2) learn a competing response
G. Awareness (mindfulness or living in the moment) is key at first, since
many habits are unconscious
H. Suppressing thoughts and rigid behaviors usually backfire when trying
to break a bad habit
I. Strategies for success:
Pre-commitment: making a hard decision when self-control is high.
If possible, change the context.
Use environmental interventions or reminders.
Use implementation intentions, a form of goal setting.
J. There are thousands of formulas for changing habits, depending on the
individual and the specific habit. Each person’s habits are driven by
different cravings.
K. A framework for habit change:

  1. identify the routine—what’s your loop?

  2. experiment with rewards

  3. isolate the cue (almost all habitual cues fit into the following:
    location, time, emotional state, other people, immediately
    preceding action)

  4. have a plan

IV. Making a New Habit
A. If you want to start a new habit (e.g. running each morning), you must
choose a simple cue and a clear reward, and the cue must trigger a
craving for the reward. Craving drives the habit loop (a 3-step loop with
a cue, routine, and reward)
B. Have a plan to get the habit going.
C. Consider motivation; why do you want the new habit?
D. Goal-setting is important; use short-term goals to reach the long-term
goal (process of shaping behavior).
E. The ideal time to establish a new habit is immediately after another
habit has occurred (e.g. take out the trash after washing the dinner
dishes, or flossing after brushing teeth)
F. WOOP strategy (wish, outcome, obstacle, plan)
G. Satisfaction with the new habit is key to keeping it going (if you don’t
feel you’re getting anywhere, it’s hard to continue). The habit must
eventually become intrinsically motivated and done for its own sake.

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