ACSM Health & Fitness Summit

(Kiana) #1

ACSM Health & Fitness Summit
March 12-15, 2013

Foam Roller Workout
Irene Lewis-McCormick, M.S., C.S.C.S.
E-mail: [email protected]
I. Introduction
Self Myofascial release is a form of bodywork and stretching/self-treatment that
can improve posture, increase flexibility and reduce stress, tension and pain while
boosting athletic performance, energy levels and body awareness (Earls & Myers
2010). By learning to perform self-massage, participants can improve blood flow
to muscles, reduce stress, and possibly increase joint range of motion and soft
tissue flexibility. Many exercises can lend themselves to core stability, decreased
risk of certain injuries and relaxation.

Begin Spinal and Body Assessment
Lie Supine on the floor
Relax the body beginning at the toes and follow up to the shoulders and head
Become aware of each part of the body (feet, legs, thighs, hips, low back, shoulders, neck
and head)
Sit up and lie supine on foam roller so the roller rests under the spinal segments an
supports the head
Flex knees and allow arms to rest on the floor beside the body
Begin to perform a series of arm and leg exercises:
o Arm Movements
 Snow angels
 Arm scissors
 Shoulder abduction
 Elbow flexion with shoulder abduction and adduction
 Y and W stretches
o Leg and Torso Movements
 Single leg knee and hip flexion
 Supine Figure 4 stretch
 Bridge
 Spinal flexion with reach
Roll off roller onto the floor and re-evaluate the body – notice the differences

Begin Self Massage
Start by sitting on roller emphasizing right side of gluteals
Move to lateral hip
Move to anterior hip area
Move to quad (don’t roll directly over knee joint)
Move to IT Band
Move to gluteal fold
Move to hamstring
Move to calf
Anterior leg

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