ACSM Health & Fitness Summit

(Kiana) #1

BOSU® Mind-Body Fusion

Pilates Sequences Yoga Sequences

Pilates Warm-Up Sequence Yoga Warm-Up Sequence

  1. Standing Spine Articulation

  2. Roll Up

  3. Overhead Reach

  4. Chest Lift

  5. Chest Lift with Rotation

    1. Mountain Pose to Forward Bend

    2. Forward Extension to Plank

    3. Plank to Push-Up

    4. Upward Dog to Downward Dog

    5. Three-Legged Dog to Crescent Lunge

    6. Forward Bend to Mountain Pose

Pilates 1: Prone Sequence Yoga 1: Kneeling and Prone Sequence

  1. Frog

  2. Extended Frog

  3. Openings and Beats

  4. Basic Back Extension

  5. Double Leg Kick

  6. Swan

  7. Swimming

    1. Cat Stretch

    2. Low Lunge to Hamstrings Stretch

    3. Revolving Lunge

    4. Quad Stretch

    5. Upward Facing Dog

Pilates 2: Full Body Integration Sequence Yoga 2: Standing Sequence

  1. Front Support

  2. Leg Pull Front

  3. Knee Stretch

  4. Pilates Push-Up

    1. Standing Lateral Flexion

    2. Chair Pose

    3. Revolving Chair

    4. Chair Pose with Eagle Arms

    5. Crescent Lunge to Warrior 2

    6. Side Angle to Low Lunge

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