ACSM Health & Fitness Summit

(Kiana) #1

C. Remodeling Phase

  1. Optimizing tissue function by continuing and progressing the activities performed during the
    repair phase

  2. *Exercise Strategies -Transition from general exercises to sport-specific or gym/workout
    specific exercise
    VI. Management Options
    A. Quit Doing It

  3. Change Technique

  4. Do something else and work around it
    B. Drugs/Medications

  5. NSAIDs

  6. Narcotics

  7. Other- Muscle relaxants, TRUE Muscle relaxants

  8. Injected

  9. Topical
    C. Therapeutic Modalities

  10. Complementary and Alternative Medical Interventions

  11. Chiropractic and Accupuncture, Cryotherapy, Electrical Stimulation, Laser, Ultrasound, Magnets
    D. Surgery - Correct the anatomy, remove displaced mencisus, Stabilize joint, Fix bone/ligament

  12. “Wash-out” a joint

  13. Replace a joint
    VII. "Quit Doing It"

  14. Allow tissue recovery (i.e. Hamstring)

  15. Prevent worsening injury (i.e. Stress Fractures, Achilles Tendonitis, etc.)

  16. Unknown or uncertain diagnosis

  17. You must establish time frames for recovery and testing

  18. Provide alternate activities

  19. Be cautious, but not overly conservative,The athlete/patient ultimately decides

VIII. Alter Activities
A. Practical suggestions

  1. Must know the activity/sport

  2. Don’t be the coach

  3. Think outside the “medical” box
    B. Running centers

    1. Bike fit
      2.Pads, gloves, braces, wraps, etc

IX. Painkiller sales soar around US, fuel addiction
A. Nationwide (2010), Oxycodone 62 TONS, Hydrocodone 42 TONS, 40-5 mg Percocet®
24 - 5mg Vicodin® for every person in the US
B. Pain out of the Expected

  1. Wrong diagnosis, Additional diagnosis, Poor compliance, RSD, Neuropathic pain, Malingering
    or psychiatric issues

  2. As the MD, What could I have missed?

  3. Bone contusion or fracture w/ ligament injury

  4. Compartment syndrome w/ fracture or soft tissue injury

  5. Cast/splint/brace too tight, Infection/abscess under wound, Nerve injury

C. Non-compliance with treatment

  1. Doing too much

  2. Not wearing splint or using crutches

  3. Not taking medicines

  4. Fear of addiction, Spreading out doses, Fear of running out, Cost, Diversion

XI. Additional Diagnoses
A. Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)

  1. Signs and Common Symptoms

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