ACSM Health & Fitness Summit

(Kiana) #1
Jane P Jones PhD
Licensed Psychologist
Professor Emeritus University of Wisconsin Stevens Point

Moving People into Action:

Improving your skills to help your clients make measurable progress

What’s happening with your clients: Stages of Behavior Change (Prochaska)

  1. Precontemplation never

  2. Contemplation maybe sometime

  3. Preparation very soon

  4. Action now

  5. Maintenance habitually, relapse possible

  6. Termination forever

Skill Sets you need ~ Support Skills and Process Skills

Support Skills

  1. Let client know you care and you believe they can make this change

  2. Listen with your head and your heart

  3. Keep responsibility with the client, not you

  4. Give advice sparingly, only when requested. Know what your client knows.

  5. Question effectively

Process Skills

  1. Help client with decision and setting SMART goal, assess determination

  2. Help client prepare for success: equipment, time management, practical

  3. Help client select strategies

What worked in previous behavior changes
What are their ideas for starting this change
View strategies as flexible, use as long as they work
Plan rewards both extrinsic and intrinsic
Plan record keeping

  1. Help client expect and plan for lapses

Asking Effective Questions

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