ACSM Health & Fitness Summit

(Kiana) #1

Purposes: to get client to think about behavior, to solve problems, to take and
keep responsibility for the change

When possible, phrase questions in open ended format, i.e, a question that
requires more than a short answer


What benefits do you expect from this change?

How are you going to make this work for you this time?

Talk to me about the time management challenges you anticipate

Show me your progress chart for last week; tell me about what you did

How would you like my support as you make this change?

Tell me about problems you encountered and how you solved them

Would you summarize the benefits you’ve seen so far?

Your job is to talk as little as possible, and get your client to figure things out.
Keep the focus away from yourself and on them. However, do not hesitate to
give safety information, and to provide resources for information needed.
Handouts with web addresses, You Tube videos, and text references will be
something you regularly use. Send your client research articles, success stories,
and other helpful materials.


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