ACSM Health & Fitness Summit

(Kiana) #1
ACSM Health & Fitness Summit
March 13, 2013

Health, Fitness and Lifestyle Medicine: The Future is Now!

James M. Rippe, M.D.
University of Central Florida Medical School
Rippe Lifestyle Institute
Email: [email protected]
“Dr. Rippe’s keynote speech is made possible by the ConAgra Foods Science Institute.”

I. Introduction

A. Objectives

Define lifestyle medicine
Review the history of lifestyle medicine
Discuss the current state of lifestyle medicine
Outline future challenges and opportunities for health and fitness professionals in
lifestyle medicine

B. Lifestyle medicine

Overwhelming body of scientific and medical evidence
Lifestyle choices and practices influence short and long term health and quality of life

C. Behaviors effecting health

Nutrition practices
Physical activity status
Weight status
Tobacco use, particularly cigarette smoking

D. The problem

How many can say yes?

I don’t smoke
I accumulate at least 30 minutes of moderate to brisk physical activity on 5
or more days a week
My BMI is 25 or lower
I eat 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables daily
If female, I drink up to one serving of alcohol daily, but not more
If male, I drink up to two servings of alcohol daily, but not more

The opportunity

Nurses Health Study data
Health Professionals Follow-up Study data
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