ACSM Health & Fitness Summit

(Kiana) #1
o Twist (matsyendrasana)
o Bridge (setu bandhasana)
o Wind-relieving pose
o Knee-down twist (supta matsyendrasana)
o Happy baby pose
o Savasana
Seated meditation


  1. Get in the habit of regularly reminding yourself to breathe deeply throughout
    the day. In yoga, breath is the link between the mind and the body.

  2. Create your own simple life-affirming metta, such as “may I be at peace”. Say
    this to yourself often throughout the day (e.g. when you’re walking, riding the
    elevator, driving in your car).

  3. Develop your ability to listen to your body’s preferences, then act on them.
    What stretch would feel good in any given moment? Which side does your
    body prefer to lie on each night in bed? This type of instinctive body
    awareness can also help with mindful, conscious eating.

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