Spiritual Marriage and - Durham e-Theses - Durham University

(Axel Boer) #1

into that Paradise above.”^133 This is not surprising given the Puritan strong
dependency upon Scripture. It also echoes Bernard’s frequent refrain that the Verbum
as Spouse is essential in contemplation.^134 Later in his teaching on the Ten
Commandments he warns his auditors not to delight “in the inward contemplations of
evil.”^135 This sort of language was fairly common among the Puritans. Later Calamy
would speak of “contemplative wickedness” and “contemplative adultery.^136 On the
one hand this suggests that contemplation could be used in a more general way of
thinking or considering. But it also implies the sense of delighting in something,
delight being good or evil, depending on the object of contemplation and the source
of delight. Contemplation is about gazing and the vision of God, therefore, one of the
benefits of the new birth is that it provides the person with “a spirituall eye” so that
they might see more clearly.^137 Earlier in this chapter it was mentioned that Ambrose
used the “spirituall eye” in relationship with his meditation on heaven.

Ultima was also published the same year as Prima. These sermons address
the four last things: death, judgment, hell, and heaven. One can detect an expansion
of the connection between sight and gazing and contemplation, and Ambrose declares
that in contemplation a person “behold[s] the face of your Saviour.”^138 The language
of beholding figures prominently in Looking Unto Jesus as will soon be clear. This
theme is further expanded in his discussion of the beatific vision. Ambrose
introduces this theme with a reference to Granada’s Meditations that was examined

(^133) Ambrose, Prima (^) in Prima, Media, Ultima (^) (1654), 7.
(^134) McGinn, Growth of Mysticism, 190-3.
(^135) Ambrose, Prima in Prima, Media, Ultima (1654), 59.
(^136) Calamy, Art Divine Meditation, 3, 71. cf. Scudder, Christians Daily Walke, 185.
Lockyer distinguishes between carnal and divine contemplation. England Faithfully
Watcht 137 , 88.
(^138) Ambrose, Ambrose, PrimaUltima in in Prima, Media, UltimaPrima, Media, Ultima (1654), 43. (1654), 180.^

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