The career novelist

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
Crossover novels

stream author makes her own genre, and that can be harder than
tapping into an existing category.
On top of that, for a crossover to make it big it must have certain
mass-market appeal. Take Ira Levin's The Boys from Brazil, for
instance: this is a thriller with a plausible science fiction premise at
its core. Even so, its science fiction content is marginal, a mere
device. Levin wrote a thriller that is accessible to everyone.
Michael Crichton did the same thing in Jurassic Park. Again, the sci-
ence fiction in this novel is secondary. (In fact, it is not even original;
several earlier novels such as Harry Adam Knight's Carnosaur use the
same premise.) What makes Jurassic Park so popular is that it is a story
that millions of people can relate to. It is not laden with genre con-
ventions and devices. It is flat-out, uncomplicated, good storytelling.
Look at any crossover novel that makes it really big and I think
you will see the same thing: genre trappings and ideas are kept to a
minimum. The focus is instead on a taut, well-structured story.
Genre fans may sneer when best-selling authors ignore genre rules,
but millions can still relate; witness Anne Rice.
One more point about solutions: covers. They are key to reaching
a paperback audience, and they become even more important in
crossover publishing. In most cases decisions in this area are up to
the publisher. Some authors may feel disappointed if their covers
do not fully reflect the many dimensions of their story, but they
need not fret. Trying to signal too much on a cover is a mistake. The
message a cover sends must be easy to understand, otherwise cus-
tomers will pass it by.

All right, now that you know a bit more about the ins and outs of
crossover publishing, what next? How should you manage your
In the writing stage, most authors should probably just do what
works. Write the most effective story you know how to write. Do not
worry about marketing. You will have plenty of time for that later.
Okay, now it is later. The book is done. Your next task is to sell it,
unless it is already under contract. Here you and your agent need to

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