The career novelist

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
Self-promotion or self-delusion?

sidered" and, especially, "Fresh Air" are the holy grails of book pub-
licity. Is there a local equivalent in your area? College radio stations
may be a place to start.
Now, what is your angle? Remember, the media are not interest-
ed in your novel's plot. They are, though, interested in the book's
subject matter, how it turned into a novel, and in your own person-
al story. Is there a local angle? Play it up. Something topical? Milk
it. Do you have some personal link to your material—is it, say,
based on family events or wartime experiences?
A word about advertising: there is much debate in the industry
about the effectiveness of ads. Genre readers are thought to be pri-
marily influenced by reviews and the glowing recommendations of
friends. Besides, many genre novels sell well without ads, anyway,
so why should publishers spend money on the Chicago Tribune?
Should you buy your own advertising? Generally, no. Ads in
major media are highly expensive. In local media, promo can be had
for free so why pay for ad space? Ads in trade magazines—Locus,
Romantic Times, the Armchair Detective—are a judgment call. Since the
purpose of such ads is mostly to let existing fans and stores know
that your latest title is out, your publisher's "house ad" (group ad)
might be sufficient.
Think carefully about paying for ad space in magazines that are
sold mostly to other writers. Their publishers may bang the self-
promotion drum loudest of all, but why preach to the converted,
other authors? What you need are authentic readers.
You can also broaden your target list to include other special-
interest groups. Do you write mysteries set in the world of insur-
ance? A local association of insurance brokers may be interested in
booking you. There may be other ways to exploit your specialty. For
example, do you write vampire novels? Halloween may be an oppor-
tunity. Create an event (a vampire-bite clinic, or whatever) and get
your local media in.
You can also set yourself up as an expert in your subject. Write
articles; it is amazing how many local papers will print them. Also,
let your local media know that you are available for comment. Try to
keep your list of contacts current. And pay attention to timing. If you
want publicity in a particular issue of a periodical, mail press kits six

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