The career novelist

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


  • They are genre writers. This point is even more interesting when you
    realize that none of these authors has ever crossed genres or
    written a mainstream novel. Genre readers are like gold.

  • They published novels for ten years before reaching the six-figure level.
    (Publishers take note!) Most had a five-figure income early in
    their careers, but reaching the six-figure tideline followed long
    improvement of craft and careful reader cultivation.

  • The six-figure threshold arrived before six-figure advances. This is because
    income was derived primarily from backlist royalties and sub-
    rights sales. Interesting, yes?

  • None is "plugged in." They do not belong to professional organiza-
    tions, talk on GEnie, attend lots of conventions, collect industry
    gossip, relentlessly self-promote, or campaign for award nomi-
    nations. Those activities do not hurt authors, necessarily, but
    neither do they seem to be essential factors in achieving a six-
    figure writing income.

  • They believe in their writing, and have a unique voice. These clients do
    not phone me and say, "I hear so-and-so at Publisher Thus-and-
    Such is looking for new fantasy romances... should I write one?"
    Rather, they have their own agenda. They also write fiction that is
    uniquely their own and stride forward calmly, in the conviction
    that given time and applied effort their income and their audi-
    ence will grow large.

Surprised? 1 do not blame you. The publicity surrounding mega-
deals would lead you to believe that high advances are the only way
to get rich in the fiction game. That is not so. In fact, I am willing to
bet that a scientific sampling would show that the majority of big-
name novelists did not get there overnight, but rather over a period
of many years and many books.
To see what I mean, check the best-seller lists. You will find on
them plenty of authors, especially genre authors, who have grown
Must one, then, resign oneself to years of paying one's dues in
order to achieve the six-figure goal? Perhaps, but my clients' careers
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