The career novelist

(Nancy Kaufman) #1


A whole host of problems become easy to solve when one thinks
of publishing only as a means. Take the problem of categorization.
Some writers hate it when their novels are pigeonholed. They loathe
the labels "science fiction" or "historical." They find them limiting.
How can one word on the spine encompass all of their novels' qual-
ities, all of their mass appeal?
Such writers are looking at the wrong issue. Take a look at read-
ers. In bookstores readers head directly for their favorite section.
Why not? That is where they will find what they want. Thus, the solu-
tion to the category conundrum is this: figure out in which section
a novel will find the majority of its readers. Voila. That is the section
where it belongs.
Getting back to attitudes, I would like to make one further sug-
gestion. Once you have oriented yourself to the real rewards and the
true customers in this business, it is a good idea to formulate a
career plan. This is something I do with all my clients. It can be as
simple as "I want to be writing fiction full-time in five years" or as
complicated as a timetable for launching lines in three categories
under three different names.
It does not matter. What matters is having realistic goals and
some idea of how to reach them. Every good business has a plan. If
your business is writing novels, why not draw one up?
Later in this book there are three "strategy sessions" designed to
help starting, midcareer, and break-out-ready novelists identify
their choices and the issues facing them. If you like, use these to
draw up your plan or to measure your progress.

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