The career novelist

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
Pitching errors

Now, to specifics: how to compose your letter. A relaxed but busi-
nesslike approach is probably best. Lots of advice is printed on
achieving winning effects, but I find that the most memorable
queries are simple and straightforward. They tell me the following:

  1. What the writer wants

  2. What is being offered

  3. Information helpful in selling the work

  4. Something (but not much) about the writer

One of the most effective query letters I ever received began sim-
ply, "I am looking for an agent." Sound obvious? Dull? Perhaps, but
it is supremely businesslike and that is a plus.
The tough part is making your manuscript sound appealing in just
a few lines. That is difficult; therefore many authors do not limit them-
selves to a few lines. They spend many paragraphs—sometimes many
pages—describing their novels. I receive query letters of this type
often. Without preamble, such letters usually launch into long sum-
maries. Afraid 1 will not listen, these authors insist upon shouting.
I had a similar experience during some of my appointments at
the PNWC. Nervous writers rushed to cram their entire plot into
fifteen minutes. Usually I had to stop them and get the answers to
the only questions 1 really needed answered:

  1. Where is your story set?

  2. Who is your hero or heroine?

  3. What is the main problem they must overcome?

  4. Where do you think this novel fits in the marketplace?

When one reads twenty query letters every working day one
comes to appreciate brevity. Encapsulating one's intentions can
also be a useful exercise for an author. Many novelists have told me
that they gained new insight into their stories when they were
forced to write summaries; some were inspired to revise.
I admit that summarizing is not easy; even so, it is a skill that can
be learned. It is not impossible. After all, we summarize plays, TV
shows, and books for our friends all the time. Doing so for the pur-
pose of a query letter is not much different.
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