leadership and motivation in hospitality

(Nandana) #1

values→behaviour path was found in the organisational psychology literature. Of
course, this is not to say that such a relationship cannot exist, therefore, based on
the same rationale described above for the EM→Employee Attitudes→JP path, in
the event that the model confirms the mediated WV→Employee Attitudes→JP
path, then the direct WV→JP path will be estimated to confirm (or refute) the full
mediation effect of the Employee Attitude variables in the hypothesised path.

Having identified the latent variables for inclusion in the study and developed the
research hypotheses to articulate the relationships between these latent
variables, the research goes on to (i) elaborate more fully the rationale for the
inclusion of each of the latent factors and (ii) identify / develop a theoretically
informed set of indicator variables for each of the latent factors.

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