leadership and motivation in hospitality

(Nandana) #1

Chen et al. (2000), White (2006) and Chu (2008) all used Super’s (1962) 45 - item
Work Values Inventory (WVI) to evaluate the work preferences of hospitality
management university students. Like Pryor’s and Hofstede’s survey instruments,
the Work Values Inventory focuses on job preferences rather than disposition
towards work. In these survey instruments, ‘values’ refers more to ‘an
individual’s evaluation’ of attributes or ‘ the value attached to each job attribute’.
This is in contrast to the interpretation of values in this research as ‘core beliefs’
see e.g. (see e.g. the discussion of values in Ajzen 2001: 42).

Looking beyond the applied hospitality literature for ways of measuring the Work
Values construct confirmed the popularity of Super’s (1962) WVI and identified a
similar scale developed by Steflre (1959) which also focuses on job preferences.
A set of measures that addressed individuals’ disposition toward work in general
was identified in the MOW (Meaning of Working) International Research Program
(1995) Survey Form C.

The set of measures consists of six statements and appears in the MOW survey
form as shown in Figure 5 - 1.

For the final set of questions, we would like you to think about what working
means to you. Please remember we are not referring only to your present
situation. We are interested in knowing what beliefs and values you
personally have regarding working as a result of your total working life.

To help explain what working means to you, please assign a total of 100 points, in
any combination you desire, to the following six statements. The more a statement
expresses your thinking, the more points you should assign to it. Please read all the
statements before assigning points.

Working gives you status and prestige.
Working provides you with an income that is needed.
Working keeps you occupied.
Working permits you to have interesting contacts with other people.
Working is a useful way for you to serve society.
Working itself is basically interesting and satisfying to you.

Source: MOW International Research Program (1995: 4)

Figure 5-1 The source of the Work Values indicator variables

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