leadership and motivation in hospitality

(Nandana) #1

Article Use of factor / findings Measurement
scale used
Hawkins and Lee

OC  JS (0.62)
(hotel sales and marketing staff) Porter et al.^ (1974)^
Bartkus et al.

OC  group cohesiveness (0.57)
(travel sales staff) Hunt^ et al.^ (1989)^
Deery and Shaw

hierarchical cluster analysis links JS and
OC in same cluster

Price and Mueller
Susskind et al.
(2000a) OC ^ JS (0.67)^

9 - items, Balfour and
Wechsler (1996)
Susskind et al.
(2000b) OC ^ JS (0.68); JS ^ OC (0.81)^

15 - items, Mowday et
al. (1979)

Carbery et
al.(2003) AOC ^ Intention to Quit (0.24)^

AOC measured with
8 - items, Meyer and
Allen (1984)
Simons and
Roberson (2003) OC ^ DSB (0.26)^

6 - items, Mowday et
al. (1979)

Kim et al. (2005) (^) however)JS ^ OC (0.40; not a good - fitting model,^5 and Kohli-items, Jaworski (1993)
Robinson and
Barron (2007) conceptual paper; links JS and OC^ N/a^
Chiang and Jang
(2008) JS ^ OC (0.54); ME ^ OC (0.40 n/s)^
3 - items, Meyer and
Allen (1984)
Deery (2008) conceptual/review paper; high OC linked with low counter-productive behaviours N/a
Erkutlu (2008)
found stronger correlations between AOC
and transformational leadership than
transactional leadership
9 - items, Porter et al.
Cichy et al.
AOC  Job Dedication (0.15; not a good-
fitting model, however)
AOC measured with
8 items, Allen and
Meyer (1990)
Kuruüzüm et al.
AOC  JS (0.32); nb – reverses the
directionality of the more common JSOC
causal link
20 items, Meyer et
al. (1993)
Yang (2010) JS however)^ AOC (0.32; not a good - fitting model,
AOC measured with
8 items, Meyer and
Allen (1984)
OC = Organisational Commitment
AOC = Affective Organisational Commitment
JS = Job Satisfaction
DSB = Discretional Service Behaviour
ME = Meaning
 Causal effect
 Correlation
(strength in brackets)
n/s = not significant

Table 5-1 Hospitality studies employing Organisational Commitment.........

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