leadership and motivation in hospitality

(Nandana) #1

Authors Context (C), Aims (A) and Findings (F)
Chiang and

(C) Hotel employees in Taiwan
(A) To examine whether leadership functions as an antecedent of
(F) Supportive leadership is an antecedent of empowerment
Kozak and
Uca (2008)

(C) Managers of accommodation establishments in Turkey
(A) To determine the factors affecting leadership styles
(F) Significant relationships were observed between organizational
and environmental factors and characteristics and leadership styles of
Tsai (2008) (C) International tourist hotels in Taiwan
(A) Assess influence of leadership style on employee job satisfaction
(F) Employees are more satisfied under consideration-style leadership
Clark et al.

(C) Employees and managers in mid-level US hotel chains
(A) Assess leadership style effect on employees’ commitment to
service quality
(F) Leadership style has a role in translating management’s service-
quality commitment to employees’ job activities
Source: author
Table 3- 3 Miscellaneous behavioural approach studies (cont.)

3.3.1 Initiating structure / consideration focused studies

Several of the behavioural studies described in Table 3 - 3 addressed (broadly, in
different contexts and with different research questions) the initiating structure /
consideration dichotomy that was developed by the Ohio State and University of
Michigan studies during the 1950s and 60s (see section 2.3.2 above). White
(1973) found that the majority of UK hotel employee respondents perceived
managers as using an autocratic (broadly analogous to initiating structure)
management style, however, the respondents also indicated that they would
prefer a more consultative (broadly analogous to consideration) management
style. Also in a UK context, Worsfold (1989) found that his sample of hotel
general managers utilised a mixture of consideration and initiating structure
leadership styles – Worsfold described this as an “autocratic style with
consultative overtones” (1989: 153). El Masry et al. (2004) studied hotel general
managers in Egyptian 5-star chain hotels to assess the differences between
Egyptian and foreign hotel general managers. While the study revealed no
difference in leadership effectiveness, it was observed that Egyptian GMs more
relationship-oriented and non-Egyptian GMs were more task-oriented. Chiang
and Jang (2008) surveyed hotel employees in Taiwan to examine whether
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