International Conference on the Role and Place of Music in the Education of Youth and Adults; Music in education; 1955

(singke) #1

education. Nor do I think we should try at all costs to attract a wider
and more mixed public towards the vast repositories of documents
which constitute our great music libraries. It js wiser to direct novices
to a centre more appropriate to their own stage of development, and
later, when they are better able to appreciate and, above all, to make
better use of the privilege, to let them come and delve into the treasures
of a great national musical collection.
Nevertheless, intelligent publicity should be undertaken to make
the great facilities of our musical collections known to a wide circle
of readers and to convince them of the outstanding importance of
these collections for anyone who is interested in music, and is trying
to understand it better, to know more about it and to enjoy it with
some degree of intelligence.
Such publicity might take the form of regular radio talks about
music libraries, frequent concerts to familiarize a wide audience with
their more precious possessions, and the publication of some of their
hitherto unpublished treasures. An oflicial information service should
be organized and should maintain close contact between these centres
of musical culture that our large libraries undeniably represent and the
active bodies more directly in touch with the public-broadcasting
stations, musical and musicological societies, documentation centres,
specialized music libraries. It is indeed regrettable that their immense
riches are often unknown and are used only by experts and other
[ Transiated from the French]

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