International Conference on the Role and Place of Music in the Education of Youth and Adults; Music in education; 1955

(singke) #1
The traiitiiix of the teacher


The two following categories of cmdidates are eligible for the exami-
nation: (a) Primary teachers who have passed the second test and have
improved their artistic and musical knowledge over a period of two
years. Apart from music, they must undergo an examination in another
subject from the school syllabus. (b) Holders of the secondary school-
leaving certificate who have studied for three years in one of the
sections of a Higher School of Music. They, too, must take another
school subject in the examination.
In Germany the training of intermediate school music teachers under
the new regulations is still in its early stages; up till now teachers have
been recruited on the basis of a test governed by regulations dating
from 1910.
The aim of music education in these schools is, in principle, the same
as in higher-grade schools, but in practice a lesser effort is expected.


Given the status and nature of the primary schools, music teaching
there can be entrusted only to the regular primary teacher; but this
system presents certain advantages for the class. This single teacher
needs, of course, to have acquired an adequate knowledge of music
at his teacher-training institute. If, but only if, this condition is fulfilled,
music teaching in primary schools will be as reliable as that given in
intermediate and secondary schools by the specialist.
In practice, primary teachers who pass an examination in all subjects
do not always possess the requisite knowledge of music. Additional
courses in music should therefore be organized for them, enabling
those who attend to help others by giving advice.
By graduated progress, from the primary to the intermediate or
secondary school, music lessons can bring new life into the musical
education of the young.

[ Tratadated from tbe French]
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