International Conference on the Role and Place of Music in the Education of Youth and Adults; Music in education; 1955

(singke) #1

that much more efficient in dealing with school orchestras, and occa-
sionally are stimulated to take further tuition in string playing.
Two hours weekly are devoted to a practical class in conducting and
accompaniment. A number of works are rehearsed and a few performed.
Each student in turn takes full charge, so gaining a little experience of
what it is like to be in actual control of singers and players. As an
exercise, each student must make a simple arrangement for a school
orchestra, and he must also prepare a scheme of work in music for a
secondary school. All learn to play the recorder, as one of the simplest
wind instruments and one which lends itself to teaching in groups.
Our system of practice in schools is that they spend four weeks in a
school before the university session commences. Then, at the begin-
ning of the course, they are in schools for two more weeks; here I send
my musicians to primary schools (ages 7 to 11) to ensure that they have
some experience with younger children. Finally they spend a whole
term, from January to April, in public schools or grammar schools
specially selected for their music.
The examination at the end of the course consists of a three-hour
paper and a practical test in such things as piano playing-as perfor-
mers, and as accompanists; in transposition and score-reading; in
singing and in playing another instrument.
During the course the students are expected to be members of at least
one of the following: choral society, orchestra, Bach cantata choir.
They are encouraged to play in chamber music groups, and to
arrange, organize, and present at least one concert for their fellow
members of the university.



Director, Music Education Department, Royal Conservatory, The Hague

The existence of widely varying educational systems and types of
schools in different countries, even neighbouring ones, makes it rather
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