International Conference on the Role and Place of Music in the Education of Youth and Adults; Music in education; 1955

(singke) #1
Mmic in edircatioti

used to do: they trained in their own studios the fresh artists of the
next generation. If we think of the musical wealth of all the peoples
on earth, their songs, their folk music, their different instruments and
voices, we are astounded at the tremendous power engendered by the
simple physical medium of sound. However, it is right and necessary
that each people should preserve its own ethnical characteristics if we
are not to see the emergence of a kind of musical Esperanto. Teachers
must imbue their young pupils with a love for the music of their own
country and educate them along those general lines. If the young musi-
cian develops into a great composer, then his music, as well as being
universal, will have its roots in the country of his birth.
Is Beethoven simply a German? Monteverdi simply an Italian?

(Trandated from the French]



Marsi PARIBATRA, President of the Musical Youth of Thailand

A poet is a maker of verse, a painter a maker of paintings and a
sculptor a maker of statues. But a musician is not necessarily a person
who composes music; more often than not, he merely plays it. When
some lady says: ‘My daughter is very musicaly, this does not mean that
her daughter writes symphonies but that she plays the Moonlight
Sonata with a great deal of feeling.
Therein lies the fundamental difference between music and the other
arts. Whilst in poetry or painting, the work passes direct from its
creator to the public, in music someone is needed to interpret the
The word ‘interpret’ in itself speaks volumes, for interpretation
means translation. ‘But’, you may say, ‘I have no need to have Bach

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