International Conference on the Role and Place of Music in the Education of Youth and Adults; Music in education; 1955

(singke) #1

teenth century, the composer, the performer and the teacher were one and the
same person. That unity may be a thing of the past, but composers and educa-
tors could and should collaborate for the benefit of music and of education.
Demonstrations of the Ward system (JosephLennaerds and Mr.VanHelde,
Holland), of the q7oi-k done by the Volksmuziek school in Amsterdam
(Mr. Lohmann, Holland), by the Norddeutscher Singkreis (Gottfried Wol-
ters, Germany) and by Miss Margaret Hood (United States of America)
were enthusiastically received and helped to clarify issues.

The members of the working commissions worked very hard at their assign-
ments, and did all in their power to bring the problems raised nearer to
solution. Accutely aware of the lacunae in the information at present avail-
able, and anxious to see the work of the conference continued and brought
to final fruition, they incorporated their wishes and convictions in the reso-
lutions which we now present.

Resolations of Geaeral Character Proposed by the Working Commissions and
Approved @ the Conference

The conference requests Unesco :

  1. To publish the proceedings of the International Conference on the
    Role and Place of Music in the Education of Youth and Adults.

  2. To undertake inquiries in the Member States, in collaboration with the
    International Bureau of Education, with a view to collecting information
    on the status of music education.

  3. To publish and to disseminate the results of these inquiries or any other
    information which may be used to improve music education in the world.

  4. To organize a seminar or pilot project on music education in a Member
    State of Unesco.

Resolutions Adopted in Phay Sessions

  1. The conference requests Unesco to publish the proceedings of the Inter-
    national Conference on the Role and Place of Music in the Education of
    Youth and Adults held in Brussels from 25 June to 9 July 1953.

  2. The conference decides to establish an international society for music
    education to be governed by an ad interim board of directors, bound by
    a draft constitution and by-laws until the first general assembly of that
    society meets.

Resolutions Presented by the Three Working Commissions and Adopted by tht

The text of these resolutions is given in Appendix B below.
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