International Conference on the Role and Place of Music in the Education of Youth and Adults; Music in education; 1955

(singke) #1
gramophone records, through the channels of public libraries,
museums and similar centres of documentation.
(f) To maintain and prosecute its efforts towards removing barriers of
currency restrictions, import limitations, and customs regulations on
material for music educational purposes.

  1. In view of the technical developments of means for the mechanical repro-
    duction and diffusion of music, and because of the influence which these
    can have upon the growth of the musical taste of young people and
    adults, this commission recommends that through the intermediary of
    Unesco and its National Commissions, strong representations be made
    to those public and private authorities responsible for production and
    diffusion in these media of mass communication that:
    (a) Greater consideration be given to the choice and transmission of
    works of the highest musical quality.
    (b) Programmes and recordings be prepared in close consultation with
    music education specialists so as to assure the best interest of com-
    munity music education.
    (c) In countries where music education is not yet highly developed,
    special programmes of a simple nature of good quality should be
    devised so as gradually to lead to an improvement of musical appre-
    ciation, taste and knowledge.

COMMISSION c (concerning the training of the teachers)

  1. We reaffirm our faith in the vocational, social and spiritual values of
    music as part of general education, as set forth in the published aims of
    this international conference on the role and place of music in the edu-
    cation of youth and adults. We believe that every child in the world,
    however limited his music talent may be, has the right to basicinstruction
    and participation in music as a part of his education. In order that this
    be properly done we urge national educational authorities to extend
    and intensify the musical training of teachers.

  2. Music being a part of general education, it is important that all music
    teachers, be they specialists or classroom teachers, recognize their
    responsibility to the total programme of education.

  3. It is essential that teacher training institutions make provisions for
    adequate teaching in music for students planning to teach in elementary

  4. The classroom teacher who teaches music in the primary school should
    have the assistance of a visiting music specialist.

  5. The educational authorities should provide refresher courses for all
    teachers in service, particularly in the elementary schools.

  6. The training of the music specialist should be carefully divided between
    music itself, education and academic fields.

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