Addiction Medicine: Closing the Gap between Science and Practice

(lu) #1

Appendix A


CASA Columbia performed the following
activities to present a comprehensive analysis of
addiction and its treatment in the United States:

 A thorough review of more than 7,000
scientific articles, reports, books and other
reference materials related to the science of
addiction, the consequences of risky use and
addiction, the prevention of risky use and
treatment of addiction and barriers to
improved care;

 Secondary analyses of five national data

 Interviews with and suggestions from 17 6
leading experts in a broad range of fields
relevant to the report, including researchers,
physicians and other health professionals,
other treatment providers, policymakers and
members of professional associations,
advocacy organizations, health insurers,
pharmaceutical companies and organizations
of people with the disease of addiction.
Whereas the majority of these experts
provided their thoughts in the context of an
open-ended interview guide designed by
CASA Columbia to explore key themes
related to this project (see Appendix B for a
list of the questions asked and of the
individuals who were interviewed), some
provided advice, suggestions and feedback
about specific content to be included in this

 Focus groups and a national general
population survey assessing the attitudes and
beliefs of 1,303 adults with regard to
addiction and its treatment: the National
Addiction Belief and Attitude Survey
(NABAS) (see Appendix C for the survey
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