Addiction Medicine: Closing the Gap between Science and Practice

(lu) #1

Appendix B

Key Informant Interview Guide and List of Key Informants

Interview Date:

Q1 How do you think the average person in the US today perceives (thinks about) substance abuse and
addiction (e.g., physical health problem, mental health problem, behavioral problem, moral problem,
social problem, criminal justice problem)?

Q2 Do you think this perception has changed in the last 20 years?

Q3 How do you perceive (think about) substance abuse and addiction (e.g., physical health problem,
mental health problem, behavioral problem, moral problem, social problem, criminal justice problem)?

Q4 Do you think addiction is a family disease? If so, do you think it requires some type of intervention or
treatment for members other than the addict? Please explain.

Q5 How easy is it, in your opinion, to get effective help for an addiction problem in America (or in NYC,
for NYC Case Study key informants) today?

Q6 When people are looking for help for an addiction problem, who do they usually turn to or where do
they go and why?

Q7 When someone gets help for an addiction problem, what type of help do they usually receive?

Q8 How would you define treatment for substance abuse or addiction?

Q9 What is your definition of effective treatment for substance abuse or addiction?

Q10 What should the goals of treatment be (e.g., complete abstinence, reduction in use, reduction in
harmful consequences; remission of DSM symptoms)?

Q11 Under what conditions does effective treatment of addiction require treatment of co-morbid
psychiatric conditions?

Q12 What do you think can be done to make treatment more science- or evidence-based? Is evidence
from research findings accessible and understandable to providers, as well as to policymakers and
advocacy groups?

Q13 What is your assessment of the capacity of treatment programs in the U.S. (or in NYC, for NYC
Case Study key informants) to deliver effective and appropriate treatment to those with substance use

Q14 What do you think stands in the way of people getting quality, effective treatment and of providers
offering quality, effective treatment?

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