Addiction Medicine: Closing the Gap between Science and Practice

(lu) #1

Appendix C

National Addiction Belief and Attitude Survey (NABAS)

Responses from 1,303 survey participants. The number corresponding to each response option represents
the percent, among those responding to the question, that provided the particular response.

  1. I am going to read you a list of health conditions and then please tell me which TWO or THREE
    do you think is most common in the United States. Would you like me to read this list again?

64.4 Obesity and diabetes
46.1 Cancer
45.5 Heart disease
29.7 Addiction to tobacco
22.2 Addiction to alcohol
16.8 Addiction to illegal drugs
14.5 Depression
11.0 Addiction to prescription drugs
9.0 Asthma
0.4 Not sure

  1. Now I am going to read the same list again and this time please tell me which TWO or THREE do
    you believe cause the greatest harm in the United States.

56.4 Obesity and diabetes
52.2 Cancer
43.7 Heart disease
28.0 Addiction to tobacco
26.4 Addiction to illegal drugs
23.6 Addiction to alcohol
11.0 Addiction to prescription drugs
10.6 Depression
3.2 Asthma
0.2 Not sure

  1. I am going to mention some issues that could be a problem in your community. For each one I
    mention, please tell me how much of a problem you think it is in your community--a very serious
    problem, somewhat serious problem, not too much of a problem, or not a problem at all.

Insufficient treatment programs and services for people addicted to illegal drugs
28.9 Very serious problem
27.2 Somewhat serious problem
16.8 Not too much of a problem
17.5 Not a problem at all
9.7 Not sure
Insufficient treatment programs and services for people with obesity and diabetes
26.5 Very serious problem
32.4 Somewhat serious problem
16.0 Not too much of a problem
17.8 Not a problem at all
7.3 Not sure

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