Addiction Medicine: Closing the Gap between Science and Practice

(lu) #1

Discrimination against people with mental illness
12.9 Very serious problem
22.7 Somewhat serious problem
28.1 Not too much of a problem
30.2 Not a problem at all
6.0 Not sure
Insufficient treatment programs and services for people with asthma
6.9 Very serious problem
18.1 Somewhat serious problem
26.7 Not too much of a problem
35.0 Not a problem at all
13.2 Not sure

  1. If you were responsible for deciding who to hire at your place of work, and you learned that a
    qualified applicant (READ ITEM), would that make you more likely to hire that person, less
    likely, or would it not make a difference either way? (IF ANSWERED “MORE LIKELY,” ASK:)
    Would you be much more likely or only somewhat more likely to hire someone who (READ
    ITEM)? (IF ANSWERED “LESS LIKELY,” ASK:) Would you be much less likely or only
    somewhat less likely to hire someone (READ ITEM)?

Is in recovery from an addiction to illegal drugs
3.7 Much more likely
3.7 Somewhat more likely
37.9 Would not make a difference
33.6 Somewhat less likely
20.0 Much less likely
1.2 Not sure
Is in recovery from an addiction to prescription medications
1.4 Much more likely
5.9 Somewhat more likely
48.7 Would not make a difference
28.8 Somewhat less likely
12.3 Much less likely
2.9 Not sure
Is in recovery from an addiction to alcohol
2.3 Much more likely
6.7 Somewhat more likely
60.5 Would not make a difference
18.7 Somewhat less likely
9.2 Much less likely
2.6 Not sure
Has been treated for addiction to alcohol
1.8 Much more likely
2.9 Somewhat more likely
65.8 Would not make a difference
19.0 Somewhat less likely
8.1 Much less likely
2.5 Not sure

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