Addiction Medicine: Closing the Gap between Science and Practice

(lu) #1

24.3 Any use at all
1.9 Monthly use
6.6 Weekly use
22.0 Daily use
27.5 More than daily use
12.9 Does not indicate a problem at any level of use
4.8 Not sure
6.8 Any use at all
2.0 Monthly use
7.4 Weekly use
39.5 Daily use
38.5 More than daily use
2.8 Does not indicate a problem at any level of use
3.0 Not sure

  1. Now let me read you a list of factors different people say may cause people to become addicted to
    (READ ITEM) and have you tell me which TWO or THREE you think are the primary factors
    causing addiction to (READ ITEM)?

43.5 Inability to resist peer pressure
38.7 Easy availability of tobacco among youth
37.7 Stress or anxiety about work, family or other problems
33.0 Lack of willpower or self control
25.4 A predisposition to addiction due to genetics or family history
20.0 Lack of knowledge about addiction
17.3 Emotional disorders or mental illness such as depression or anxiety
3.8 Absence of religious faith or spiritual grounding
3.0 Distorted moral values
2.0 Other
1.6 None
1.4 Not sure
47.6 A predisposition to addiction due to genetics or family history
44.9 Stress or anxiety about work, family or other problems
35.3 Emotional disorders or mental illness such as depression or anxiety
29.7 Lack of willpower or self control
29.2 Easy availability of alcohol among youth
28.2 Inability to resist peer pressure
11.1 Lack of knowledge about addiction
6.8 Absence of religious faith or spiritual grounding
5.9 Distorted moral values
1.1 Other
0.1 None
0.6 Not sure

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