Addiction Medicine: Closing the Gap between Science and Practice

(lu) #1

Prescription medications
47.1 Complete abstinence
22.7 Reduced use
3.5 Fewer negative consequences from use
20.8 Goal should be set by the patient
6.0 Not sure

8a. Suppose someone close to you realized they had a major problem with addiction to alcohol,
tobacco, prescription or other drugs, how confident would you be that you knew or could find out
where to go or call or send them to get the help they would need: very confident, somewhat
confident, not too confident or not at all confident?

50.9 Very confident
30.7 Somewhat confident
8.6 Not too confident
8.5 Not confident at all
1.3 Not sure

8b. If someone close to you needed help for an addiction, where would you turn for information or
help? (PROBE) Is there anywhere else you think of where you could turn for help or

27.8 My doctor or primary care physician
18.8 Internet or Yellow Pages or “look it up” or do “research”
19.7 Other doctor, nurse, hospital, health clinic or health professional
12.0 Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
10.7 Friend or family member
9.8 Church, clergy or religious or spiritual leader
11.0 Addiction treatment center
9.2 Psychologist, psychiatrist or other mental health counselor
7.2 Addiction “hotline” or “helpline”
6.0 Narcotics Anonymous (NA) or other similar 12-step programs
3.6 Place of work, office, Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
3.0 Other mutual support or self-help programs such as Smart Recovery
2.0 Student guidance counselor for a minor
0.6 My insurance company
1.2 Would not know where to turn for help
1.8 Not sure
24.2 Other*

* The number of responses in the “Other” option are quite varied and therefore, not
specified here.

ELSE” in Q 8b) And is that someone with special knowledge or training when it comes to dealing
with addictions or just someone you count on for good advice in general?

56.8 Special knowledge or training
30.7 Good advice in general
12.4 Both

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