Addiction Medicine: Closing the Gap between Science and Practice

(lu) #1

22.6 Yes, should cover treatment without limits
41.6 Yes, should cover treatment with limits on days
4.0 Not sure about limits
28.3 No, should not cover treatment
3.4 Not sure
Illegal drugs
25.1 Yes, should cover treatment without limits
38.1 Yes, should cover treatment with limits on days
4.4 Not sure about limits
27.8 No, should not cover treatment
4.6 Not sure
21.0 Yes, should cover treatment without limits
30.1 Yes, should cover treatment with limits on days
2.8 Not sure about limits
42.4 No, should not cover treatment
3.8 Not sure

  1. Now I am going to mention some approaches society could take to address the problem of
    addiction to alcohol, tobacco, prescription and other drugs. For each approach, please tell me how
    important you think it is--very important, somewhat important, not too important, or not important
    at all?

Educate the public about the disease of addiction and the possibility of recovery
73.1 Very important
22.1 Somewhat important
2.0 Not too important
1.9 Not important at all
0.9 Not sure
Fund research to improve treatment and recovery options for addiction to alcohol, tobacco,
prescription or other drugs
57.6 Very important
36.5 Somewhat important
2.6 Not too important
1.9 Not important at all
1.4 Not sure
Increase the number and availability of effective treatment and recovery programs
57.4 Very important
34.2 Somewhat important
3.7 Not too important
2.7 Not important at all
2.0 Not sure
End discrimination in the areas of employment, insurance and housing against people who have
used drugs in the past but are now in recovery
48.6 Very important
35.2 Somewhat important
8.2 Not too important
5.4 Not important at all
2.6 Not sure

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