Addiction Medicine: Closing the Gap between Science and Practice

(lu) #1

Increase criminal penalties for people who use drugs illegally
38.6 Very important
27.4 Somewhat important
14.9 Not too important
16.7 Not important at all
2.3 Not sure

The following questions are personal in nature, but we can assure you that this is a confidential survey
and your responses will be kept completely private.

  1. To your knowledge, has anybody close to you, like a parent, child, sibling, close friend, etc., ever
    had a problem with addiction to alcohol, prescription drugs or other drugs?

68.3 Yes
30.3 No
0.6 Not sure
0.8 Refused

  1. To your knowledge, has anybody close to you, like a parent, child, sibling, close friend, etc., ever
    had a problem with addiction to tobacco?

78.2 Yes
19.7 No
1.2 A smoker but not addicted
0.5 Not sure
0.4 Refused

18a. Are you, yourself, addicted to alcohol, or prescription or other drugs right now, or have you been
addicted to them in the past? I know this is a sensitive topic, but let me reassure you that this is for
research purposes only and that all your responses will be completely anonymous and confidential.

16.9 Yes
82.0 No
0.7 Not sure
0.3 Refused

18b. What are you now or have you been addicted to in the past?

40.0 Alcohol
12.5 Prescription drugs
50.9 Other drugs
5.1 Not sure
7.6 Refused

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