Addiction Medicine: Closing the Gap between Science and Practice

(lu) #1

18c. Are you, yourself, addicted to tobacco right now, or have you been addicted to it in the past? I
know this is a sensitive topic, but let me reassure you that this is for research purposes only and
that all your responses will be completely anonymous and confidential.

34.3 Yes
61.6 No
3.1 A smoker but not addicted
0.7 Not sure
0.2 Refused

19a. Do you currently have health insurance?

85.8 Yes
13.0 No
1.0 Not sure
0.3 Refused

INSURANCE IN Q. 19a) Which of the following most closely describes the type of health care
plan you have--a traditional fee-for-service plan, in which the patient or the insurance company
pays for each doctor visit or hospitalization, and HMO or PPO, in which most doctor visits or
hospitalizations are covered without charging separately, Medicare or Medicaid, or some other type
of plan?

21.6 Yes, traditional fee-for-service plan
46.1 Yes, an HMO or PPO
24.3 Yes, Medicare or Medicaid
10.3 Yes, some other type of plan
2.2 Yes, not sure which type of plan
1.0 Not sure
0.4 Refused

FACTUALS: Now I am going to ask you a few questions for statistical purposes only.

F1. How old are you? (IF “REFUSED,” ASK:) Well, would you tell me which age group you belong

9.6 18-24
9.5 25-29
11.9 30-34
5.4 35-39
10.3 40-44
12.2 45-49
8.3 50-54
7.8 55-59
7.9 60-64
5.3 65-69
4.4 70-74
7.3 75 and over
0.2 Refused

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