Addiction Medicine: Closing the Gap between Science and Practice

(lu) #1

F2a. Are you currently employed? (IF “CURRENTLY EMPLOYED,” ASK:) What type of work do
you do? (IF “NOT CURRENTLY EMPLOYED,” ASK:) Are you a student, homemaker, retired,
or unemployed and looking for work?

Not currently employed
3.3 Student
5.5 Homemaker
20.6 Retired
5.4 Unemployed, looking for work
63.1 Other – Currently employed
2.0 Not sure

F2b. Do you work full-time or part-time?

47.9 Yes, employed full-time
14.4 Yes, employed part-time
35.4 No, not currently employed
2.3 Not sure

F3. What is the last grade that you completed in school?

1.2 Grade school
6.8 Some high school
30.5 High school graduate
19.4 Some college, no degree
12.1 Vocational training/2 year college
14.6 4 year college/bachelor’s degree
2.3 Some postgraduate work, no degree
8.7 2-3 years postgraduate work/master’s degree
2.4 Doctoral/law degree
2.0 Not sure/refused

F4. Regardless of how you may be registered, how would you describe your overall point of view in
terms of the political parties? Would you say that you are?

30.4 Mostly Democratic
11.1 Leaning Democratic
21.2 Completely Independent
9.5 Leaning Republican
18.8 Mostly Republican
9.1 Not sure

F5. Thinking about your general approach to issues, do you consider yourself to be liberal, moderate
or conservative?

21.7 Liberal
35.5 Moderate
32.5 Conservative
10.3 Not sure

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