Addiction Medicine: Closing the Gap between Science and Practice

(lu) #1

  1. For each type of clinical staff listed below, how many full-time equivalent (FTE) staff who
    provide treatment for addiction/substance abuse are currently employed at your facility? (Average
    FTE staff reported below).
    1.2 Physicians (MD/DO) e.g., general practitioner, internist, family physician, psychiatrist,
    addiction medicine specialist
    1.2 Other doctoral-level (PhD, PsyD, SciD, DrSW) e.g., psychology, social work, counseling
    0.7 Physician Assistants/Nurse Practitioners
    4.4 Master’s e.g., psychology, social work, counseling
    6.7 Certified/licensed addiction and substance abuse counselors e.g., CDCs, CASACs, LACs
    (even if counted in categories above)
    5.4 Other* (PLEASE SPECIFY)

* The high number of responses in the “Other” option are quite varied and therefore, not
specified here. Other responses include CASACs, registered nurses and BA-level

  1. What is the total number of full-time and part-time clinical staff currently employed at your
    facility? Please include all staff members in your count. (Average number of clinical staff
    reported below).
    25.0 Clinical staff employed.

  2. Last month, about how many staff members in total resigned, were let go, retired or left your
    facility? Please include all staff members in your count.
    64.2 None
    21.0 1
    12.3 2
    2.5 3

  3. On average, about how long do staff who are directly involved in providing client treatment stay
    employed with your facility?
    0.0 1 month or less
    0.0 More than 1 month to less than 3 months
    0.0 3 months to less than 6 months
    0.0 6 months to less than 9 months
    1.3 9 months to less than 1 year
    6.3 1 year to less than 1.5 years
    3.8 1.5 years to less than 2 years
    20.3 2 years to less than 3 years
    24.1 3 years to less than 5 years
    44.3 More than 5 years

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