Addiction Medicine: Closing the Gap between Science and Practice

(lu) #1

  1. Under which of the following conditions would a client/patient be dismissed by your center or
    asked to leave the program before completing the treatment course? (CHECK ALL THAT
    31.3 Client/patient using drugs or alcohol
    75.9 Client/patient bringing drugs or alcohol onto the facility premises
    12.0 Client/patient being unable to pay for treatment (e.g., private sources of payment run out;
    insurance stops covering costs)
    69.9 Other* (PLEASE SPECIFY)

    • The high number of responses in the “Other” option are quite varied and therefore, not
      specified here. Other responses include aggressive and violent behaviors, non-compliance,
      smoking, and legal issues.

  2. What are the top two sources from which clients/patients are referred to your facility for
    treatment? (CHECK UP TO TWO)
    27.7 Individual/self-referrals
    6.0 Family
    1.2 Private physician
    22.9 Alcohol or other drug counselors (e.g., CASACs)
    2.4 Other health care professionals (e.g., physicians, nurses)
    3.6 Schools/educational organizations
    3.6 Employers/employee assistance programs
    18.1 Other community organizations
    42.2 Criminal justice/court/drug court (exclusive of DUI/OWI)
    45.8 Criminal justice/court/drug court referrals(DUI/OWI)
    22.9 Other sources

  3. How would you describe the attitude of the surrounding community toward having a treatment
    facility in the neighborhood? (CHECK THE ONE THAT BEST APPLIES)
    2.4 Generally hostile
    43.4 Neither hostile nor supportive
    48.2 Generally supportive
    6.0 Not applicable

  4. If your facility does any advertising or outreach to attract patients/clients, which two of the
    following methods does it use most often? (CHECK UP TO TWO)
    12.0 This facility does not do any advertising or outreach
    23.5 Local print/fliers
    4.8 Television
    27.7 Internet
    10.8 Hospitals/doctors’ offices
    21.7 Community centers
    48.2 Other

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