Addiction Medicine: Closing the Gap between Science and Practice

(lu) #1

  1. What is your professional title? (CHECK THE ONE BEST APPLIES) (n=54, of those who
    answered “Graduate or post-graduate degree” in Q45).
    0.0 Physician
    11.1 Psychologist
    0.0 Physician Assistant
    0.0 Nurse Practitioner
    0.0 Registered Nurse
    0.0 Licensed Practicing Nurse
    40.7 Social worker
    5.6 Addictions counselor
    42.6 Other* (PLEASE SPECIFY)

* The high number of responses in the “Other” option are quite varied and therefore, not
specified here. Other responses include Director, MBA, and Administrator

  1. Do you have specific training in addiction treatment, or do you not?
    88.0 Have specific training* (PLEASE SPECIFY)

  • The high number of responses in the “Have Specific training” option are quite varied and
    therefore, not specified here. Other responses include CASAC training hours, addiction
    fellowships and classes.
    12.0 Do not have specific training

  1. How many years of experience do you have in the field of addiction treatment?
    1.2 Less than 1 year
    1.2 1 year to less than 2 years
    0.0 2 years to less than 4 years
    2.4 4 years to less than 6 years
    7.2 6 years to less than 9 years
    6.0 9 years to less than 10 years
    81.9 10 years or more

  2. Do you think that being a recovered addict or recovering from addiction should be a prerequisite
    for being a treatment director, or should it not?
    30.1 No, it would not help the position and should not be a prerequisite
    68.7 It might help but should not be a prerequisite for the position
    1.2 Yes, it would help and it should be a prerequisite

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