Long-term disease management support
1.7 1=Not at all Important
5.7 2=
18.5 3=
32.3 4=
41.7 5=Very Important
Are there other services that you think are Very Important to provide in order to appropriately treat
substance use disorders? (n=247 out of 1,142 respondents)
10.9 Co-occurring/mental health diagnoses or services
7.3 Alternative therapies/treatment or more customized treatment options
6.1 Community/family education and support services
6.1 Mutual support groups
5.7 Long-term residential treatment
4.9 Aftercare, after-treatment services such as job placement, basic life skills
4.0 Spirituality counseling/services
3.6 Relapse management/prevention
2.8 Motivational enhancement therapy
2.8 Nutrition and fitness
42.1 Other (each individual/other response was provided by less than 2.4 percent of respondents
responding to this question)
- To what extent do you agree that each of the following is an important goal of treatment for
substance use disorders? (Please rate each option on a scale from Strongly Disagree to Strongly
Agree as presented below).
Complete Abstinence
2.7 1=Strongly Disagree
4.7 2=
14.0 3=
25.8 4=
52.5 5=Strongly Agree
Reductions in use
11.9 1=Strongly Disagree
8.0 2=
9.9 3=
26.3 4=
43.8 5=Strongly Agree
Remission of DSM symptoms
1.1 1=Strongly Disagree
3.5 2=
13.5 3=
37.9 4=
44.0 5=Strongly Agree
Improvements in functioning (e.g., employment, education, parenting, family stability, crime and
recidivism, health, happiness, citizenship, etc.)
0.4 1=Strongly Disagree
0.5 2=
2.3 3=
18.4 4=
78.5 5=Strongly Agree