Addiction Medicine: Closing the Gap between Science and Practice

(lu) #1

Long-term disease management support
1.7 1=Not at all Important
5.7 2=
18.5 3=
32.3 4=
41.7 5=Very Important
Are there other services that you think are Very Important to provide in order to appropriately treat
substance use disorders? (n=247 out of 1,142 respondents)
10.9 Co-occurring/mental health diagnoses or services
7.3 Alternative therapies/treatment or more customized treatment options
6.1 Community/family education and support services
6.1 Mutual support groups
5.7 Long-term residential treatment
4.9 Aftercare, after-treatment services such as job placement, basic life skills
4.0 Spirituality counseling/services
3.6 Relapse management/prevention
2.8 Motivational enhancement therapy
2.8 Nutrition and fitness
42.1 Other (each individual/other response was provided by less than 2.4 percent of respondents
responding to this question)

  1. To what extent do you agree that each of the following is an important goal of treatment for
    substance use disorders? (Please rate each option on a scale from Strongly Disagree to Strongly
    Agree as presented below).

Complete Abstinence
2.7 1=Strongly Disagree
4.7 2=
14.0 3=
25.8 4=
52.5 5=Strongly Agree
Reductions in use
11.9 1=Strongly Disagree
8.0 2=
9.9 3=
26.3 4=
43.8 5=Strongly Agree
Remission of DSM symptoms
1.1 1=Strongly Disagree
3.5 2=
13.5 3=
37.9 4=
44.0 5=Strongly Agree
Improvements in functioning (e.g., employment, education, parenting, family stability, crime and
recidivism, health, happiness, citizenship, etc.)
0.4 1=Strongly Disagree
0.5 2=
2.3 3=
18.4 4=
78.5 5=Strongly Agree

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