12.7 25.2 14.5 31.7 15.9
- Includes tobacco, alcohol, illicit drugs and misuse of
controlled prescription drugs.
Source: CASA Columbia analysis of The National Survey on
Drug Use and Health(NSDUH), 2010.
Figure 3.A
Continuum of Substance Use
Percent of Population Age 12+
by Level of Sustance Use*
Risky Use
consequences including crime, lost productivity,
child neglect and abuse, family dysfunction and
developmental disabilities.
Certain populations--including pregnant women,
adolescents and young adults and the elderly--
are more vulnerable to the damaging effects of
addictive substances. Other populations--
including those with co-occurring disorders,
members of the military exposed to combat and
those in the justice system--are more likely to
engage in risky use or have addiction.
Defining the Problem .........................................................................................................
Substance use can be understood as a continuum
ranging from having never smoked or used
alcohol or another drug* at one end to having an
unmanaged chronic, relapsing disease† at the
other. (Figure 3.A)
Most people (87.3 percent) ages 12 and older in
the U.S. have used one or more addictive
* Including any use of illicit drugs or the misuse of
controlled prescription drugs.
† This continuum focuses on substance use; the
category labeled addiction includes those individuals
whose substance use meets current clinical criteria
for this disease but does not include all individuals
with addiction. There are some individuals with the
disease of addiction who do not currently use any
addictive substances and others who currently may fit
into other use categories along the continuum.
substances at some point in their lives, and 62.1
percent are current users.‡ 7 Those who have
never used an addictive substance, are not
current users§ or do not engage in risky
substance use are appropriate targets for public
health efforts aimed at preventing risky use and
addiction; however, these individuals are not the
focus of this report.
While this report focuses primarily on those with
the disease of addiction, it makes an important
distinction between addiction and risky use of
addictive substances:
Those with the disease of addiction are
defined in this report as meeting the clinical
diagnostic criteria for past month nicotine
dependence or past year alcohol and/or other
drug abuse or dependence. Individuals who
meet diagnostic criteria for addiction are
targets for appropriate, evidence-based
clinical interventions by physicians and
other health professionals.
Risky users of addictive substances are
defined in this report as those who currently
use tobacco products, exceed the U.S.
Department of Agriculture (USDA) Dietary
Guidelines for safe alcohol use,** 8
‡ Current substance use among the entire U.S.
population ages 12 and older: 51.7 percent drink
alcohol; 27.6 percent use tobacco products; 7.5
percent use illicit drugs; and 2.8 percent misuse
controlled prescription drugs.
§ Having used the substance in the past 30 days.
** The U.S. Department of Agriculture Dietary
Guidelines for safe alcohol use are no more than one
drink a day for women, no more than two drinks a
day for men and no alcohol consumption for:
(1) persons under the age of 21; (2) pregnant women;
(3) individuals who cannot restrict their drinking to
moderate levels; (4) individuals taking prescription or
over-the-counter medications that can interact with
alcohol; (5) individuals with certain specific medical
conditions (e.g., liver disease, hypertriglyceridemia,
pancreatitis); and (6) individuals who plan to drive,
operate machinery or take part in other activities that
require attention, skill or coordination or in situations
where impaired judgment could cause injury or death
(e.g., swimming). Due to data limitations, we were
unable to include categories 4-6 in our calculation of
risky drinkers.