Addiction Medicine: Closing the Gap between Science and Practice

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Table 3.9
Conditions Requiring Medical Care Attributable to Risky Use and Addiction

Tobacco-Related Conditions
Malignant neoplasm (Cancer) Cardiovascular disease Perinatal conditions
Lip, oral cavity, pharynx Ischemic heart disease Short gestation, low birth weight
Esophagus Other heart disease Respiratory distress syndrome
Stomach Cerebrovascular disease Other respiratory
Pancreas Aortic aneurysm
Larynx Other circulatory disease
Trachea/lung/bronchus Respiratory diseases
Cervix uteri Pneumonia, influenza
Kidney and renal pelvis Bronchitis, emphysema
Urinary bladder Chronic airway obstruction
Acute myeloid leukemia

Alcohol-Related Conditions
Acute pancreatitis Laryngeal cancer Acute Conditions
Alcohol abuse/Alcohol dependence syndrome Liver cancer Air-space transport
Alcohol cardiomyopathy Liver cirrhosis unspecified Alcohol poisoning
Alcohol polyneuropathy Oropharyngealcancer Aspiration
Alcohol-induced chronic pancreatitis Portal hypertension Child maltreatment
Alcoholic gastritis Prostate cancer (males only) Drowning
Alcoholic liver disease Psoriasis Excessive blood alcohol level
Alcoholic myopathy Spontaneous abortion (females only) Fall injuries
Alcoholic psychosis Stroke hemorrhagic Fire injuries
Breast cancer (females only) Stroke ischemic Firearm injuries
Cholelithiases Supraventricular cardiac dysrhythmia Homicide
Chronic hepatitis Hypothermia
Chronic pancreatitis Prenatal, infant Motor-vehicle non-traffic crashes
Degeneration of nervous system due to alcohol Birth trauma Motor-vehicle traffic crashes
Epilepsy Digestive Occupational and machine injuries
Esophageal cancer Hemorrhage/hemolysis/endocrine/

Other road vehicle crashes

Esophageal varices Hypoxia/asphyxia/respiratory Poisoning (not alcohol)
Fetal alcohol syndrome Infections Suicide
Gastro esophageal hemorrhage Integument/temperature regulation Water transport accident
Hypertension Length of gestation and fetal growth
Ischemic heart disease Low birth weight/prematurity/
intrauterine growth restriction death

Other Drug-Related Conditions*^
Drug-induced psychosis HIV/AIDS Other infectious diseases
Hepatitis Inflammatory and toxic neuropathy

  • Other-drug related conditions also may include kidney, liver and respiratory diseases as well as the accident, suicide and poisoning
    categories listed above in the Alcohol-Related Conditions section.
    Sources: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2004b); Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2008a); Centers for Disease
    Control and Prevention. (2008b); Merrill, J. & Fox, K. (1998); The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) at
    Columbia University. (1993); The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) at Columbia University. (1994).

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