Addiction Medicine: Closing the Gap between Science and Practice

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someone (including yourself) who was high or
had been using alcohol or drugs? (2) Do you
ever use alcohol or drugs to Relax, feel better
about yourself or fit in? (3) Do you ever use
alcohol or drugs while you are by yourself
Alone? (4) Do you ever Forget things you did
while using alcohol or drugs? (5) Do your
Family or Friends ever tell you that you should
cut down on your drinking or drug use? (6) Have
you ever gotten into Trouble while you were
using alcohol or drugs? An affirmative answer
to each question is worth one point and a cut-off
score of two is recommended for identifying
risky alcohol and other drug use,^223 even though
any use of addictive substances by adolescents is
considered risky.^224

The typical screening process also may fail to
distinguish those individuals with a higher level
of substance involvement and the associated
health and social consequences (including the
risk for addiction) from those with lower levels
of involvement--a distinction necessary for
providing appropriate interventions.^225

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