Simple Nature - Light and Matter

(Martin Jones) #1

k/The gravitational energy
of a massmat a distancesfrom
the center of a hollow spherical
shell of mass.

and since sinθdθoccurs in the integral, the easiest path is to sub-
stitute for it, and get everything in terms ofrand dr:


2 πGρbhm





4 πGρb^2 hm
This was all under the assumption that massmwas on the outside
of the shell. To complete the proof, we consider the case where it’s
inside. In this case, the only change is that the limits of integration
are different:


2 πGρbhm




=− 4 πGρbhm



The two results are equal at the surface of the sphere,s=b,
so the constant-energy part joins continuously onto the 1/spart,
and the effect is to chop off the steepest part of the graph that we
would have had if the whole massMhad been concentrated at its
center. Dropping a massmfrom A to B in figure k releases the
same amount of energy as if massMhad been concentrated at its
center, but there is no release of gravitational energy at all when
moving between two interior points like C and D. In other words,
the internal gravitational field is zero. Moving from C to D brings
massmfarther away from the nearby side of the shell, but closer
to the far side, and the cancellation between these two effects turns
out to be perfect. Although the gravitational field has to be zero
at the center due to symmetry, it’s much more surprising that it
cancels out perfectly in the whole interior region; this is a special
mathematical characteristic of a 1/rinteraction like gravity.
Newton’s apple example 17
Over a period of 27.3 days, the moon travels the circumference
of its orbit, so using data from Appendix 4, we can calculate its
speed, and solve the circular orbit condition to determine the
strength of the earth’s gravitational field at the moon’s distance
from the earth,g = v^2 /r = 2.72× 10 −^3 m/s^2 , which is 3600
times smaller than the gravitational field at the earth’s surface.
The center-to-center distance from the moon to the earth is 60
times greater than the radius of the earth. The earth is, to a very
good approximation, a sphere made up of concentric shells, each
with uniform density, so the shell theorem tells us that its external
gravitational field is the same as if all its mass was concentrated

104 Chapter 2 Conservation of Energy

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