Page 658, problem 16:
By symmetry, the field is always directly toward or away from the center. We can therefore
calculate it along thexaxis, wherer=x, and the result will be valid for any location at that
distance from the center.
x−^1 e−x
=x−^2 e−x+x−^1 e−x
At smallx, near the proton, the first term dominates, and the exponential is essentially 1, so we
haveE∝x−^2 , as we expect from the Coulomb force law. At largex, the second term dominates,
and the field approaches zero faster than an exponential.
Page 666, problem 56:
sin(a+b) =
/ 2 i
/ 2 i
= [(cosa+isina)(cosb+isinb)−(cosa−isina)(cosb−isinb)]/ 2 i
= cosasinb+ sinacosb
By a similar computation, we find cos(a+b) = cosacosb−sinasinb.
Page 666, problem 57:
Ifz^3 = 1, then we know that|z|= 1, since cubingzcubes its magnitude. Cubingztriples its
argument, so the argument ofzmust be a number that, when tripled, is equivalent to an angle
of zero. There are three possibilities: 0×3 = 0, (2π/3)×3 = 2π, and (4π/3)×3 = 4π. (Other
possibilities, such as (32π/3), are equivalent to one of these.) The solutions are:
z= 1, e^2 πi/^3 ,e^4 πi/^3
Page 666, problem 59:
We haveD=qandFx=qb
=D∂Ex/∂x, which, as claimed, is consistent with the result of
example 7 on p. 589 and depends onqand`only viaD.
Solutions for chapter 11
Page 756, problem 51:
(a) For a material object,p=mv. The velocity vector reverses itself, but mass is still positive,
so the momentum vector is reversed.
(b) In the forward-time universe, conservation of momentum isp1,i+p2,i=p1,f+p2,f. In the
backward-time universe, all the momenta are reversed, but that just negates both sides of the
equation, so momentum is still conserved.
Page 756, problem 51:
(a) For a material object,p=mv. The velocity vector reverses itself, but mass is still positive,
so the momentum vector is reversed.
(b) In the forward-time universe, conservation of momentum isp1,i+p2,i=p1,f+p2,f. In the