aberration, 796
chromatic, 809
absolute zero, 75
absorption, 767, 898
of waves, 374
acceleration, 67
adiabatic, 343
alchemy, 15, 474
alpha decay, 511
nature of emitted particle, 497
alpha particle,seealpha decay
ammeter, 534
Amp`ere’s law, 700
ampere (unit), 531
amplitude, 116
analytic addition of vectors, 203
anamorph, 842
angular acceleration, 272
angular frequency, 118
angular magnification, 784
angular momentum, 253
and the uncertainty principle, 921
in three dimensions, 921
of a particle in two dimensions, 254
of light, 254, 733
quantization of, 919
angular velocity, 271
antielectron, 513
antimatter, 513
Archimedean spiral, 758
Archimedes’ principle, 85, 207
operational definition, 34
scaling of, 35
Aristotle, 192
asteroid, 193
astrology, 15
atom, 480
raisin-cookie model of, 492
atomic number
defined, 501
Atomism, 480
atoms, 66, 68
helium, 937
lithium, 938
sodium, 939
with many electrons, 937
averages, 859
rule for calculating, 859
Avogadro’s number, 319
Bacon, Francis, 19
ballast, 621
Balmer, Johann, 928
basis for a vector space, 965
basis of a vector space, 965
Bernoulli, Johann, 93
beta decay, 512
nature of emitted particle, 497
beta particle,seebeta decay
Big Bang, 69, 108
and the arrow of time, 337
described in general relativity, 453
evidence for, 370
binding energy
nuclear, 516
Biot-Savart law, 698
black hole, 325, 434, 450
event horizon, 450
formation, 452
information paradox, 451
singularity, 452
Niels, 814
Bohr, Niels, 929
Boltzmann’s constant, 319
bottomonium, 949
bound states, 897
particle in a, 897
brachistochrone, 94
brightness of light, 769
Brownian motion, 484
buoyancy, 85, 207
unit, 80
capacitor, 611